Access to Arabia.
The banking industry is headed towards higher productivity through automation and self-service. Access to Arabia`s mission is to help banks and other financial institutions in the Middle East and North Africa regions to realize the future of full self-service, today. This is achieved through the implementation of pioneering electronic banking technologies.
A2A also leverages the ubiquitous nature of mobile phones to help promote Financial Institution in the region. For this purpose A2A developed the state-of-the-art mBanking® mPayment® Hybrid Platform. This is a state-of-the-art system that can be used by banks, Mobile Network Operator or Plastic Card Services providers to offer country-wide or multi-country payment and banking services. This platform can be deployed using any combination of the mobile technologies available today. A2A provides interfaces based on: USSD, SMS, Touch Screen devices (iPhone, Android and Windows 7), and Java-based devices (Symbian and Blackberry).
Furthermore, the company offers a high-end banking middleware system, a reconciliation system, an ISO 8583 V2003 Interface, an eMonitoring tool, core banking system consultancy, mobile top-up and SMS delivery services.
A2A mBanking® and mPayment Platform, A2A smsBanking® System (available as multi-bank edition, push version, pull version), Internet Provisioning for A2A smsBanking, Billing Module for A2A smsBanking, A2A P2P Payment System, A2A pBanking® System, A2A iBanking® - Internet Banking System, A2A ISO 8583 Interface, A2A eMonitoring, A2A kinSatisfaction and A2A mBanking® (available as: USSD, SMS, Touch Screen “iPhone, Android and Windows 7”, and Java-based “Symbian and Blackberry”).
Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, Kuwait, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Nigeria, Cyprus.
Tel: +962 06 5686588
Fax: +962 06 5650261
PO.Box 941648
Amman 11194, Jordan